
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Valentine's Day Playlist: Hey, I'm Single and I'm Fine With That

I think how each of us feels about Valentine's Day usually depends on our particular mood at the time (read: personal relationship status). Musicians are particularly good at articulating these moods of ours, which is why many of us rely on them more than ever this time of year. So from now until Valentine's Day, I'll be posting a series of themed playlists that might capture how you're feeling about romance this year. Whether you have a new person you're excited about, are in the midst of a break-up, or are happily going it alone, you're going to need a soundtrack to get you through the 14th, don't you think?

So first up, songs that empower and celebrate life as a single person. Valentine's Day can kind of suck when everyone in your office gets flowers delivered except for you. Fear not, for there are plenty of songs that you can stick in your ear to drown out all those happy (or is it sappy?) displays of coupledom and make you feel good about being on your own. What songs do you listen to when you're single? For some of my suggestions, just hit play.

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