
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Friday, February 1, 2008

Feist - Brandy Alexander

Ever since a friend informed me that Thursday was National Brandy Alexander Day, I haven't been able to get the chorus of the Feist song of the same name out of my head:

"He's my Brandy Alexander
Always gets me into trouble
But that's another matter
Brandy Alexander"

As far as the downtempo songs from The Reminder go, it's one of my favorites; its particular sing-song-y quality also guarantees that once it's in my head, I'll start involuntarily swaying back and forth, hoping none of my coworkers notice.

In case you've also been afflicted with this problem, I decided to dig up a version of "Brandy Alexander." Feist hasn't made an official video of the song, but luckily, YouTube had several clips of her performing it live. Feist's voice sounds absolutely gorgeous on the one I chose, and the relatively steady video is filmed from pretty close up, so you can watch Feist in all her glory. To check out the song — whether it's been wedged in your head or you're hearing it for the first time — just click on the video.

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