
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Sarah Connor Chronicles: The Mousetrap

Is it me, or have the Terminators gotten more sophisticated since Arnold's day? Arnold never would have set a trap. He would have just pursued until terminated.

The opening of this episode was reminiscent of the closing of the first Terminator movie when Linda Hamilton was driving in the desert.

It's funny how the actor whose life Cromartie stole ended up being (sort of) famous. Usually they try to keep a low profile. Also, despite being the future savior of humanity, John Connor is not above stealing cable. This is a lesson for the rest of us.

My favorite line from the episode came from Busy Philipps: "This town can screw you up." There's an irony there that I'm missing.

Catherine Weaver is easily becoming the most sophisticated Terminator ever. She can even drink water. Apparently, she's a T-1001. She acts like a T-1,000,000.

If Riley is a Terminator, then she IS Catherine Weaver. It's the only explanation.

How good are a Terminator's abilities if John is capable of losing Cameron? I got a chuckle from the scene when she's in front of that guy dressed in silver doing the robot.

The future leader of the human resistance has got to learn that if you're being chased by a killer robot, run AWAY from the pier, not towards it. Also, a hat and sunglasses can still fool the killer robots.

I recognize that this is television, but unless Terminators are getting more concerned with human life, I expected a bit more of a gunfight. The moment they both hit the water, I said to myself "Cromartie is going to sink like a stone". I was right, but he did stay afloat longer than I expected. It almost looked like he could swim for a moment. I did enjoy the "red eye" effect as he sank.

I enjoyed the episode but thought the ending was somewhat predictable, particularly considering that Dean Winters is still a regular for the season and his wife isn't. It's cute how they showed a fundamental difference between humans and machines: prayer.

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