The Squints: LOVED the new guy. Sad he’s not going to be around (I assume). I think the J-team could use a ‘Dad’ like figure around to help them talk things through.
- Cam: Meh, she was good, but, nothing new.
- Angela: Kind of the same, and I totally got how she wanted to quit that job and move to somewhere glorious with her art. I get that. Her moment with Hodgins was sad and nice…which brings me too…
- Hodgins: Stole the show. Hands down. Loved him. Love his hate and anger and broken heartedness (is that even a word?), and I loved his butting in to say the answer first on the phone. I especially loved his end session with Sweets….which brings me to
- Sweets: Hmmm…I like Sweets. I just feel that when he’s in his office, or even the FBI building, then he is in the zone. His work with and about Parker was great, and his conversation with Hodgins was terrific. But when he’s at the Jeff? He annoys me and everyone else there, too. Don’t know if it’s on purpose. Thoughts?
I love Booth. I especially love casual dad Booth and kind, dog grave digging Booth. He is good. Not much more I can say but this….this blog was brought to you by his warm, reassuring, brown eyes…Fave line of the night: “I’d say ‘King of the Lab’, but that just depresses me.” Holler, Hodgins, holler.
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