Plus I cried a little at the end. Um, maybe more than a little. Please — tell me I'm not a total sap.
Oooh, Juliet is all sarcastic with the archaeologist lady. "Maybe if you speak real slow, we'll understand what you're saying." Sassy.
I am loving this Desmond-and-Sayid duo. I'd like Desmond to see more of that in my future.
They do really well to disorient me, along with Desmond. These quick cuts between Desmond's experiences — apparently called flashtimes, rather than flashbacks or flash-forwards — are totally dizzying.
The guy in the bed, Minkowski, is so creepy. "It's happening to you, too, isn't it?!" "I was just on a Ferris wheel." Gah! This episode struck me as being similar to older spooky shows, like The Twilight Zone. It's not just mysterious at this point — it's really scary.
However, sometimes this time travel stuff squishes my brains.
I'm starting to like the eccentric Daniel Faraday. His 1996 self had a pretty hairdo. And now I know that his faltering memory might be due due to prolonged exposure to radiation.
Minkowski says they regularly got calls from Penny that they were under strict orders not to take. Why?
So, Mr. Widmore had the highest bid on the log from the ship on the island, the Black Rock (which, among other things stored dynamite, and was also the place where all the Sawyer-Locke-Locke's dad stuff went down). The ship's log was kept secret by, apparently, the Hanso family, and now (er, in 1996 anyway) it's in Mr. Widmore's possession.
Desmond and Mr. Widmore in the bathroom together is kind of funny, but that dude is harsh: "It's not me who hates you." Ouch.
Sayid is so totally desensitized: When that Minkowski guy drops Sayid barely raises an eyebrow.
Aww . . . Penny is Desmond's constant! "I love you, Penny. I've always loved you."Aaaaand crying. Turning to sobs. Okay, end the episode already!
Dan's notebook: "If anything happens, Desmond Hume will be my constant." Love it.
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