
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Men in Trees: Wander/Lust

And so…Julia and Marin finally meet. It's been a long time coming. And of course, as Icould have guessed, they get along. Because really, Julia is pretty groovy and she isn't a threat to Marin. Right? Right??

This episode was about comings and goings. Patrick departing for parts unknown (starting with a stop to see Jane in New York). Jack gets a part-time job in Anchorage with Julia. Jane's ring goes missing. Celia gets a roommate. Marin gets a sculpture. Of Julia. In her living room. Yikes.

And the story about the ebb and flow of a couple--there is something really interesting to me about what happens when two couples meet for the first time. It's almost like you are dating the other couple. Comparing, contrasting in your own head. Are they happier than you? Do they have your same troubles? (p.s.- I suspect it may only be women who do this.) There is sometimes a "grass is always greener" thing that happens in these situations. Marin had to go through this and realize maybe what she and Jack have is pretty damn good.

And of course, this is all made complicated by the fact that Jack and Julia shared that experience at sea. What happened out there bonded them, and Marin will always feel like a bit of an emotional outsider with Jack when it comes to that. Would I let him take that job with her?

I'm looking forward to the hilarity of Mai and Celia as mismatched roommates and Patrick on his journey...and, hopefully, more Cash.

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