
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day weekend is upon us, folks! You know what this means: a day off from work (for many of us), the beginning of summertime — and barbecues! In the happy spirit of long weekend-ness, lI put together a playlist of songs so we can adequately start (as Fresh Prince might put it) "chillin' out maxin' and relaxin' all cool."

Speaking of Fresh Prince, the Will Smith "Summertime" tune is pretty much a staple on playlists like these. Weezer also seems to be in order here, so I'm including "Island in the Sun." I'd also throw in a little Wilco, maybe "Heavy Metal Drummer." And there needs to be some older tried-and-trues, of course, so I'm including a little Sharon Jones ("The Dap Dip") and some Nick Gilder ("Hot Child in the City"). And living 45 minutes from Lake Michigan, this list wouldn't be complete without Rogue Wave's "Lake Michigan."

To see the other good times songs I've picked, click below:

Memorial Day BBQ Playlist

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