I would think now that Earl and Billie are married, Earl would expect some changes. Of course, everyone has little annoying habits, but I know compromise is what makes a marriage work. I have to admit, though, the Van Halen thing would be a deal breaker in my house.
That fact that Earl is already getting irritated by Billie just proves the old adage, "Show me the most beautiful woman in the world and I'll show you a guy who's tired of F-ing her."
I find it a little hard to believe, however, that after being married to a nightmare like Joy, Earl would complain about someone because they're annoying. Maybe someone should point out that Billie isn't cheating on him or expecting him to raise kids that aren't his.
I enjoyed seeing Jon Heder bag those groceries almost as much as I was horrified by his deformed hand. I'm guessing he went to the hospital but Camden County's lackluster medical community had nothing to offer. It was also nice to see Jon Henson again. Now I can finally stop asking whatever happened to him.
I didn't see the bagging training coming and I really enjoyed it. All the inane exercises and how seriously Heder was made it really funny. Of course, Earl eventually got the hang of it. Once again, the good folks of Camden come out to support their favorite "athlete." I guess the Killerball league didn't have a game that night.
When I saw Saviero Guerra as the referee, I hoped he would have more to do than wave his flag. It wasn't much but his line about the web address where he got his license made me laugh out loud. Now I just have to hope that they bring that character back for repeat visits.
Bagger Lance was pretty damn funny. I have always loved Pat Kilbane and there was a time when he was on his way to having his own sitcom. I don't know what happened but his performance tonight was proof that he still is a very funny dude.
I thought this was a damn good episode. It gave me the basic plot of the karma list while advancing other story lines at the same time. It seems clear things won't be working out for Earl and Billie, but if the show is going to continue the way it should, that's probably just as well.
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