
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pam's Bi-Annual GRM Party

It is now become a tradition in my office that I host the GRM (Girls Rule M) party. This is an evening where just us women-folk in the office can get together to talk, relax, eat, and drink. My first party was in 2006. Wednesday night I hosted my second party.

The weather was perfect so everyone enjoyed sitting outside on my deck. I grilled chicken, which had been marinating in a honey-lemon marinade for a few hours. Everyone brought a dish to pass. Barbara brought German potato salad. Cheryl tried out a new green been salad. Liz brought a tasty pasta/bacon salad. Lauren prepared a hot jalapeno dip. Lindsey picked up some spinach dip. Vicky made a pasta salad. Kim came with a refreshing fruit salad. And of course, we had the desserts ranging from the wonderful grape salad that Megan made, Jane's delicious cheesecake, and the moist cake that Pat brought.

Who could ask for anything better! Enjoy the photos.

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