
"In cooking, as in all the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." - Curnonsky

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

New Music Downloads

After the successes of Coldplay and Snow Patrol, the Brit-pop brigade continues its stateside march with a new debut by The Feeling, Twelve Stops and Home, that is jolly good. Although the lyrics to the song "Sewn" are not particularly sunny, their peppy pop sounds and lush harmonies, straight from the Beatles school, make it hard to stay bummed.

The energetic Melbourne, Australia, six-piece combo group, The Cat Empire, hits the States with Two Shoes, a magnetic blend of funk, soul, and frat-party raucousness. Two Shoes trumpets the band's arrival with Harry Angus's blaring horn on the irresistible opener "Sly."

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