Did I miss where the title of this episode was referenced? I've racked my brain, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how the word "cycle" played into this episode. Doesn't matter. I've finally figured out what this whole season has been about. Maybe I'm slow (because it's been hinted at right along) but this time around it was thrown right in my face. Tommy's search for faith. The mysterious black figures. The prayer books. The only thing missing is Tommy's personal Jesus from season two. I know I've said before that maybe Tommy has a death wish. Maybe he doesn't, but he's definitely trying to defy something. The funny thing is that I don't think he knows what it is.
Just look at this episode. At his AA meetings, he's still questioning the existence of a higher power. Then by the end of the hour, he's driving the rig like a mad man and still running into fires with nothing more than a jacket on. He's pushing the limits. I get the feeling he'd be satisfied if he got injured. It's be a reassurance of some sort to him.
The unfortunate thing is that while I'm finally understanding and enjoying Tommy's season long plight, everything else is falling flat for me. It's just not going anywhere. Lou and Latrina came out of nowhere and frankly, I don't want to see where it goes. I liked Theresa and the "too much sex" storyline. That could have played out much longer. The same goes for Franco and Natalie. Although I have hope that that plot will be restored satisfactorily.
Then there's Mike. He's dead in the water too. He was only in this episode for one scene and let's be honest. Is the show really lacking or any different without him? Not really. Aside from Lou, I get the feeling most characters on this show could go (for whatever reason) and assuming a replacement was moved into position, not a lot would change. From Jerry to Feinberg. From Mike to Black Sean. Think about it. Faces change, not much else does though.
Moving on, I've got Sheila and Wyatt/Elvis. Or should I say Elvyatt? Wylvis? Whatever... do I care? This poor kid is going to be so screwed up and it has less to do with the fact that no one in his family wants him and more to do with the terrible writing. This is another instance where he could be forgotten and no one would really say anything. They do it with Tommy's siblings... although Rosemary was finally mentioned in this episode. She's alive! Still no Timo mention though.
Then there's Tommy's woman. As if his life wasn't dysfunctional enough, Tommy's now seeing Valerie (who gives new meaning to "quickie") and Beth (the bi-polar ice-pick chick). Everything here is so backwards, that it doesn't feel right. And please... don'te say "that's the point."
Did anything put a smile on my face? Well... yeah:
- Sean "pretending" to be an alcoholic is a riot. He really loves Maggie and I truly believe he'll do anything to relate to her... but this is funny stuff.
- I love how Tommy essentially adopted that dog... I mean, "wolf." Even better? It sleeps on the couch and Tommy passes out on the doggie bed.
- I think I have to agree with Valerie and Janet. Kevin Costner played a way better Wyatt Earp then Kurt Russell.
- And don't forget Tommy's dream that started off the episode. Obviously, the dream didn't make me smile. How it ended did though. You have to ask yourself, in term's of Tommy's situation, is it worse that he dreamt his whole crew died or that Needles asked him if he wanted a drink? Even in his subconscious, he's caving.
- Ellie had David Lee Roth and Judge Reinhold on her list of people she had hurt as a result of her drinking?
It's not that I didn't like this episode. I feel like I say that nearly episode, but it's true. I've just slowly built up a dislike for the way this season has gone. It just doesn't feel as cohesive as seasons past. Maybe I'm flip-flopping on things I've said in past posts, but this episode really put it all in perspective for me. Maybe the point of the episode title was that shows themselves go through "cycles."
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