But, it isn't the tub full of bloody skin that brings me back, it's the fact that this show is good. So, pushing the image of a pitchfork full of skin out of mind, let's move ahead.
Let's forget about decomposed bodies for a second and speak about relationships. Not about the one between agent Seely Booth and his ex-girlfriend (and mother of his child), who occasionally sleep together. Nor about Booth and Doctor Cam Saroyan, who also occasionally sleep together. Or Booth and Bones, who are really, really, close to sleeping together (which would be the point that I stop watching the show because I just hate when they do that). No, I'm talking about Doctor Jack Hodgins and Angela Montenegro. Get these two together already! They're adorable and need to hook up. And not just for a little bit, then break-up due to some stupid thing. They should be together for the length of the show.
Back to this storyline. The one husband-two wives concept has been used plenty of times in procedural crime dramas. But, as usual with Bones, they like to twist it up a little. It turns out the wives of the victim knew that he was two-timing each of them. What they didn't know, until later, was that he had impregnated a third person. All three went to confront him and that's when they gave him the bleach bath. But, they actually didn't kill him, because the victim was already dead from an apparent suicide when they reached him. But it wasn't a suicide, and it wasn't even a homicide. It was just a simple accident which, due to a brittle bone condition, turned out to be fatal. Of course, the accident occurred when the victim's boss confronted him about some missing money, and he and the victim got into a little row. So, the boss decided to make it look like a suicide to get away. Got it all?
The main thing I liked about this episode was the lack of Bones and Booth. Yes, you heard it right. I actually got to see more interaction between the other members of the Jeffersonian Institution investigative team without Seely or Temperance hanging around. That's nice, because these team members, including Cam, have a good chemistry when alone. It's also the time that Angela steps away from her computers and really shines. I'll go so far to say that I wouldn't mind an episode where Bones is away at some conference and either Angela or Cam (or even Zack) help out with an investigation.
There is one thing that bothered me, and it's really a minor quibble. It was the seeming supernatural powers that Bones exhibited this time around. Particularly at the point where she guesses that the third person to sleep with the victim is pregnant. When asked how she knows, Bones talks about the woman's gait and the spreading of the something-or-other. I was waiting for her to say 'Oh, I saw it all with my microscopic vision'. I think some of that needs to be toned down a bit because it takes away from her growing humanity.
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