A fan favorite returns. This was only Melinda Clarke's fourth appearance as Lady Heather on CSI, and I'm fascinated with how much they've developed her character in that short time frame. It just proves that good writing can go a long way, especially when the notion of "less is more" is kept in mind.
The episode started off quite unexpectedly, as I was reintroduced to Heather in a situation that didn't exactly jive with her own beliefs. She's a dominatrix, so why has she put herself in a submissive role? Do I recall what she told her late daughter Zoey in her very first appearance? Something like, give your body and heart to a man but never your power? Well now Heather is ignoring her own advice. Sounds like a good premise for an episode to me.
The story itself was extremely well laid out and I loved how it tied into Heather's previous story-lines. After the death of her daughter Zoey, Doc Robbins informed Heather that she had a granddaughter out there somewhere. Once found, Heather lost any visitation rights to her ex-husband (the child's grandfather). Being a dominatrix isn't exactly a good profession in the mind of the court. You could really see how this was affecting her though. Heather was clearly depressed and despite her diabetes, she developed quite the taste for rare single-malt scotch. So rather than do nothing for her granddaughter, she was willing to sacrifice herself to a violent client in exchange for over $800,000 to fund the child's future. Not your typical tear jerker, but it was still touching.
It brought to light the relationship that Grissom shared with Heather though. He gets her and this definitely did not sit well with Sara.
Elsewhere, I finally got a whole episode where Warrick said more than one line. He and Greg worked together on a standard hit and run case involving some bad blood between two cabbies. Now I admit that I've missed a few episodes here and there, but Warrick mentioned that he had a kid (when he picked up the heavy purse). Is that the first mention of him having a child or did I miss something? Besides, I thought things weren't going too well with his wife Tina?
Also worth talking about...
Before discovering that dead guy, Brass and Catherine were gossiping and Brass was about to talk about something "juicy?" I assume he knows about Grissom and Sara.
What's with Grissom's miniature replica of his own office? What's he trying to achieve?
Now that Greg is on loan to Ecklie and the day-shift, am I not going to be seeing him in the finale?
So yeah, the next episode is the end of the seventh season as I just mentioned. I'll finally find out the identity of the Miniature Killer and I honestly can't wait. I haven't been this excited about an episode of CSI since the Tarantino directed installment from a few years ago.
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