This episode of Friday Night Lights, which aired on February 7, was a wonderful installment (do I say that every week?) that managed to incorporate every character in an interesting way; some as comic relief, some in very serious situations, some as both.
The main brunt of the story dealt with the major fallout that occurred when the Panther's assistant coach Mac makes some highly questionable comments regarding the natural prowess of black players versus white players, during an interview. Ultimately, Smash is at the forefront of a protest against Mac, as he and the other black players on the team walk off the field during practice.
Tim was put to much more comical use however, in a plotline focusing on a girls Powder-puff Football game. Tyra and Julie were forced to participate after Tami busted them for ditching class. This was a wonderful storyline, which offered the hysterical juxtaposition of poor, soft spoken Matt coaching one team of girls, while fierce, determined Tim coaches the other. A great moment cut between Matt's, stammering proclamation that, "No matter what happens today, we're all gonna be winners," with Tim's, "We will not accept a loss! We will not accept it!"
And Lyla better watch out, as Tyra noted a probable affair brewing, if not already occurring, between her mother and Buddy, and aimed all of her anger at the situation towards Lyla. It was hard not to both wince, and laugh a bit, as Tyra ran at Lyla with a vengeance on the football field. Oh, and lest we forget, the Powder-puff game gave us a sight we never thought we'd see: Landry, in his role as referee, actually ordering Coach Taylor around, which was absolutely classic.
And Lyla better watch out, as Tyra noted a probable affair brewing, if not already occurring, between her mother and Buddy, and aimed all of her anger at the situation towards Lyla. It was hard not to both wince, and laugh a bit, as Tyra ran at Lyla with a vengeance on the football field. Oh, and lest we forget, the Powder-puff game gave us a sight we never thought we'd see: Landry, in his role as referee, actually ordering Coach Taylor around, which was absolutely classic.
The one storyline that felt a bit rushed was Jason's. He returned to school for the first time since the accident. It was heart wrenching seeing Jason struggle to dissect a frog with his crippled hands, and have a science teacher tell him he only has to observe, because, "It's all anybody expects." It will be interesting to see where his quest to get on the National Quad Rugby Squad takes him.
As for the Taylor family . . .Eric and Tami had a fantastic scene together as he comforted her after a discussion she organized about the situation with Mac went horribly bad. Also especially sweet was Eric tearing into Julie for skipping classes, only to suddenly light up when he learned Matt had made her quarterback. Eric Taylor was truly having the time of his life, as he got to spend time coaching his little girl.
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