I'm also heading to Ft. Myers, Florida, tomorrow, so I will not be updating my blog until I return on Sunday. So until then, I leave you my recipe from tonight's dinner and my review of Prison Break.
A hearty dish for a bitterly cold January evening.
Crock O'Brats
5 bratwurst links, cut into 1-inch pieces
5 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 can (27 oz) sauerkraut, rinsed and well drained
1 medium tart apple, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Brown brats on all sides. In a slow cooker, combine the remaining ingredients. Stir in brats and pan drippings. Cover and cook on low for 4-6 hours or until potatoes and apple are tender.
Prison Break - John Doe

First aired January 22. It took me two mornings (Jan 29 & 30 from 630am to 7am) to watch this entire episode.
Prison Break returned with a brand new episode and it did so with style. Last time we were with the convicts, Kellerman (now disavowed by The Company) had shot Mahone (who ironically was meant to eliminate Kellerman) and had helped save Michael and Linc. Elsewhere, Captain Brad Bellick returned to Fox River as an inmate, T-Bag caught up with Mrs. Hollander and C-Note saw his wife get arrested.
The episode picked up exactly where the season left off before Christmas.
Linc and Michael grudgingly agree to work along with Kellerman who informs them that Terrence Steadman (the President’s supposedly dead brother) is in fact alive. Their extraction of Steadman however goes a bit wrong as Steadman commits suicide. We’re informed that due to The Company’s methods, Steadman’s finger prints and DNA are obsolete so his dead body is a “John Doe” and of no use. This annoyed me. I finally thought we’d start to get some closure but I guess they have other things lined up. I honestly can’t see how Linc’s name can now be cleared. Even if it is, they’ve broken so many other laws on the way they’ll get locked up again as soon as they’re freed.
T-Bag caught up with the Hollanders. Uncle Teddy has now locked the doors and informs the family that either they get along, or die together. Interesting! Guess he won’t be sleeping much then. Robert Knepper (T-Bag) needs an Emmy. He speaks so eloquently, yet still makes it so creepy.
T-Bag caught up with the Hollanders. Uncle Teddy has now locked the doors and informs the family that either they get along, or die together. Interesting! Guess he won’t be sleeping much then. Robert Knepper (T-Bag) needs an Emmy. He speaks so eloquently, yet still makes it so creepy.
Bellick returned to Fox River and suddenly finds himself attracting the attention of new inmate Bank, played by the 6’6’’ Lester “Rasta” Speight. As Bellick decides to stand up to Bank, he learns that Bank is ‘connected’ to the night guards, who Bellick placed on night duties and who are not fans of his. Expect another explosive confrontation in Fox River next week I say.
Mahone's not dead. Woo! In fact, he is well and alive and killing people again. Having tried to quit working for Mr. Kim, Mahone’s son is unexpectedly involved in an ‘accident’ so Mahone takes matters into his own hand and turns on The Company. Slightly unrealistic that he would be up and about so quick after having been shot and undergone surgery, but who cares? There is no time to worry about the little details. This is, after all, Prison Break!
I really feel for C-Note. He is informed that his wife had been denied bail and about to “enter the system”. He shouldn’t have been in Fox River. If you recall, he was set up when in Iraq. I sincerely hope the producers remember this and give him a happy ending. He deserves it.
Pheow! What an episode… fantastically fun-packed, full of tension and suspense. A great return for a great show. I'm ready for more.
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