Thursday, May 31, 2007
Lost: Expose

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday Night Lights: Mud Bowl

Ok, with that out of my system, it's time to catch up with our ever-deepening cast of characters.
Saracen takes so much grief from people, it's fun to hear him dish it out occasionally, as when he gets on the love-struck Landry about his "study date" with Tyra: "It's gonna be a huge night. I mean, you're gonna square a lot of numbers, maybe figure out a quadratic equation or something . . . it's adorable, what you're doing."
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Soup & a DVD - Garden State

Monday, May 28, 2007
The Riches: Operation Education

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Pam's New Music Downloads
When it comes to establishing real staying power in the flavor-of-the month pop scene, the second album is critical. But the Arctic Monkeys bring the heat again on Favourite Worst Nightmare, which comes as close to matching their first album as one could have reasonably expected. On "Fluorescent Adolescent", frontman Alex Turner sings about a girl gone unwild. Luckily, though, these Monkeys won't be tamed anytime soon.
Fountains of Wayne continue to display a penchant for the witty, detail storytelling. Their latest album Traffic and Weather includes a suspicious boyfriend who spies his girl "with some guy wearing light-blue Dockers pants" on "This Better Be Good." To go along with their knack for narrative, Fountains of Wayne have a gift for breezy melodies and breezier harmonies that make their tunes go by like smooth cruising down the highway.
Prison Break: Fin Del Camino

Lincoln tries to catch up with Michael
T-Bag is waiting for Michael to show up. Michael finds T-Bag and has flashback of everything T-Bag has done wrong in the past.
Mahone talks with his wife and tells her he is quitting his job as soon as he finishes his task.
Michael is suspicious of the T-Bag situation. He uses a young boy to find out which people are FBI and are watching T-Bag.
Michael runs into Bellick and Sucre. Michael is forced into helping Bellick get T-Bags money.
Sara Tancrdi is on trial. Tancredi is offered a plea deal of 12 years in prison. Tancredi relunctantly agrees.
Kellerman is sad and upset. He puts his military uniform on and puts his gun to his head and pulls the trigger.
Sucre wants to kill Bellick as soon as he gets Mericruz’s location. Michael says he won’t help him if he wants to kill Bellick.
Bellick sets off the fire alarm in order to get T-Bag out of the hotel. The FBI, Michael, Bellick, and Sucre follow T-Bag. Mahone follows Michael.
Lincoln knocks out Mahone. Lincoln and Mahone fight and Lincoln eventually pulls a gun on Mahone.
Bellick, Michael, and Sucre capture the FBI agents.
Michael, Bellick and Sucre follow T-Bag into a building and hold him hostage.
T-Bag tells them the money is in the closet and when they open the door they see a dead woman. T-Bag escapes in the confusion.
The police surround the building. Michael and Sucre escape in time but the police capture Bellick.
Michael and Sucre catch T-Bag again and drive him to the embassy. T-Bag offers information to Michael if he lets him go.
T-Bag stabs Sucre with a screwdriver in the car and Michael crashes the car. T-Bag escapes again.
Michael gets a citizen to call for help for Sucre while he chases after T-Bag.
Michael catches up to T-Bag and they get into a knife fight. Michael knocks T-Bag down and stabs him in the arm
T-Bag is stuck to the floor until the police arrive and arrest him.
Kellerman’s suicide attempt fails when his gun sticks.
Before Sara can take the plea deal, Kellerman agrees to testify on her behalf.
Michael gets a phone call from Mahone. Mahone gets the gun from Lincoln and has him hostage. Mahone wants T-Bag’s money and the boat in exchange for Lincoln.
Friday, May 25, 2007
MTTT - Martini's

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Dresden Files: What About Bob?

Sprinkled with flashbacks and tie-ins to earlier episodes (including Detective Murphy's brush with black magic in The Boone Identity), the story ups the ante for Harry as Murphy reopens the five-year-old investigation into the death of Justin Morningway, suspecting that Harry may not be as innocent as he always claimed. Tensions rise as their friendship is put to under severe pressure, and even Bob's loyalty is sorely tested as a surprising Big Bad (who, sadly, doesn't appear to be sticking around) offers him the chance to regain his corporeal form.
Book Review: Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen by Julie Powell

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Simpsons: Homerazzi

J.K. Simmons was a lot of fun as Homer's photo editor. Sure, he was basically doing his J. Jonah Jameson voice from the Spider-Man movies, but I loved his take on that character so I can't really complain. Jon Lovitz made yet another appearance on the show, this time as Enrico Irritazio, the paparazzo hired by the celebrities to take embarrassing photos of Homer. I love Lovitz on The Simpsons, but unfortunately, he wasn't given too much to work with this time out. Betty White simply stole the show. As Homer was in the middle of bitterly complaining about how snooty celebrities react to his photo snapping, Betty White arrived as the sweetest, kindest celebrity of all: "Thanks for taking my picture. If you want me to sign it, here's a stamped, self-addressed envelope."
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Lost: The Man From Tallahassee

Monday, May 7, 2007
Friday Night Lights: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch- Changes

Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Riches: Believe in the Lie

Saturday, May 5, 2007
Prison Break: Panama

Friday, May 4, 2007
Lost: Par Avion

The Raven – John Locke
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Book Review: Baker Towers by Jennifer Haigh

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Bones: Bodies in the Book